Wednesday, July 6, 2011

consciousness matters

what is consciousness ?
where does it come from ?
what do you do with it ?
why does it matter ?

We will open the doorways to these questions and answers, unravelling the threads in our upcoming programs 4 to 6 weeks

The Shift in consciousness in the fall/wintertime 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Creating Reality

A masters class
Here at Lightbodies we have indeed been masters of bouncing through, gliding and shifting in and out of different energies, frequencies, consciousness, light and dark and loving the dance. the time has come indeed in this school for mastering all aspects of ourselves, within the brain the heart the mind and the multi- dimensions
whoa.this is going to be the most fun one can have in a lifetime
bypassing all illusions and delusions
So if you care to join in the dance and create a masters class with us
Creating you reality
here we are
in school, taking full responsibility for all we created and create
and building loftier dreams
awaiting you

Monday, November 22, 2010

travelling at the speed of love


Sunday, January 17, 2010

your definitions have power to change

a time of great change just like every day and every new moment
there is alot of debate and talk and intellectual discussion and down pouring of what this shift will bring and what it is about. In reality no-ones knows and no-one has a handle on things or exactly what will be the changes.
In reality you will decide what it is and how it will come about.
A dear friend reminded me recently these ideas and these things

your words have power, be impeccable with your words
your feelings have power be positive, wise and responsible with your feelings
your thoughts have power be remarkable with your thought
your heart has power be a visionary with your heart

YOur mind has the future in focus aim high with your mind

All that you create will become your reality

and there is not need for false analogy if it doesn't resonate in alignment with your being don;t go there, don't sweat it, see it and leave it behind.
Remember to dance and always Lighten up
we are here to Raise the Vibration - not lower it
that's been done before !!
hugs and globes of light to you

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Follow your heart

NOW this explains and expands well on what we mean and why we ALL are saying
"Follow your Heart "
hugs from above and beyond - the rainbow