Sunday, August 24, 2008

Be careful, watch out for gaps in the world

Be careful, watch out for the gaps, that is when you are going to do anything anything physical even the simplest of chores it's a good idea to FOCUS very clearly on your own body and movements.
All of them, as we are continually bouncing in and out of frequencies, dimensions, shifing and sometimes loosing mental clarity as our thoughts and minds drift off into other spaces,places and with people and nebulous things.
There is a trick to this ASK, request to your self to help you, you do not have to have total mental control just A LASERLIKE FOCUS OF YOUR NEW enviroment it's a bit like driving a new car or a new country, got to get everything flowing together as a whole, sometimes. I have heard and noticed lately and some say that that more accidents happen at this juncture, they actually do as we can kinda SLIP ALOT MORE, its a bit slippery the new floor and it keeps moving........ Sometimes it may seem as if we created for ourselves an accident or minor setback to make us Slow down and Regroup, even re-evaluate things perhaps we were stuck in a LOOP, often we do, we are , but really ask yourself if you need to do that, if you focus and align each and every morning and every NEW moment, then you really won't have to be put in your place will you. Because you will be listeining at each and every moment ANEW. Isn't that more fun really ?? AHA AN aha MOMENT now that's much more fun, REALLY isn;t it UP TO YOU YOUR CHOICES
whatever you are setting off to do, breathe breathe as you move breathe as you go. Gather all of your marbles or balloons known as your thoughts with you and do everything as a whole you.
we just want to share this with you from our own experience, whatever direction you take a move in, refocus on your core, your centre before acting or engaging.
As well with the intense and multi layered shifts and Waves that are constantly NOW upon us as a planet and our own universes, our bodies are often under extreme pressure and often pushed to the max for us to keep up as they frequently make the adjustments and can feel denser and goes through various aches and pains as we expand into higer frequncies. As they say when under pressure that's when accidents happen, but they do not have to if you are aware of this process.
If you can take more time for you to rest or sleep or just play and let them transmute and grow to the newer frequncies, because if you don't take more time to slow into ZERO you might just be forced to. By your own boss and oversoul !!
LISTEN TO YOUR BODIES really really listen to your bodies and aim for the highest clarity and frequncy you can maintain.
Do not move in a hurry without,
2.focusing and IN your core.
You driving a new vehicle. DRIVE SAFE, DONT GET HURT..........ouch !
Blessings and HAPPY SPINNING

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Good News closing the gap portal of 2012

In the NOW and energetically expanded field in 2008 this timeline anyways, as we spiral rapidly towards the 2012 portal I wanted to SHARE THE GOOD NEWS FOR ALL OF YOU HEALERS AND LIGHTWORKERS extraordinaire............
The Good News is...............
As we approach and enter into the 2012 field we will find that ALL OF OUR INTENTS, CAUSES FOR GLOBAL HEALING AND the vibrationally enlightened new earth.... GET EASIER AND MANIFEST FASTER, MUCH FASTER, ALMOST INSTANTANEOULSLY after many years of both pre-paving and struggling it seems against heaviness and negativity waves and patterns of energy seeming both reluctant and resistant to change the GAP is "bridged and aligned" so to speak with the great divide now captured
NOW isn't that something to shout about and look forward too................For me personally and dimensionally I can't wait so I will go there right now if you don’t mind
There will be a change in the air BIG TIME at that portal 2012 and frequency alignment, prior to keep updated with Karen bishops shift and ascension reports as the pressure will intensify ailments and those out of alignment with self will know it for certain it will be pointed out as they exhibit more and more physical signs and symptoms.
Best advise I can offer is to KEEP UP and too RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. MORE AND MORE OFTEN consciously and subconsciously, DO take time OUT more and work with your body changes more as they try to align to hold and carry more of a higher frequency. Inside and out. Everyone's bodies will react and change, differently, depending on their environment here and in other planes, but emotions and mental confusion will be most noticed and in common to be erratic and chaotic, cloudiness and noisiness at times depending on your environment, get to know your environment and you will find it easier to maintain a clear mind......... I'd rather not generalize though use your heart and mind for guidance.
Search out those of like mind and spirit and/or if strongly connected trust your own guides and your source for inner sight.
Wishing you good causes, great leaps and faster manifesting for the New Earth.
Hugs Lightbodies and friends
It is going to be easier to align with lightness as we get closer to the shift, for some of us we are already waiting on the other side, come on up the view is divine and so so CLEAR and BRIGHT
Here’s a hint try being IN THE EYE OF THE STORM...........
There's a real calm inside........The Eye

Sunday, April 6, 2008

IN Transition Please check back soon

Well that seems to be the NORM and will be the norm from "NOW" ON. IN TRANSITION, as transit will be the bouncing between the path of the accelarating souls and planet.
We want to share with you all the "WIN WINS" the unbearable impeccable lightness and ecstatic being of Happy Bodies. So this is the scoop of springtime ~Rebirth Expansion and Renewal all things being new for the create or front of the wave surfers!

JUST KEEP imagining

Then act as if this is all happening ~ For real, for now, for always. Have you seen the Secret ? Well it's like the secret, but bigger, because it is the longing of your soul and source, for true JOY and happiness not just material items and a better car, (though they are important of course as a desire leads to an essence a feeling and a unfoldment.)

Imagination is the translation; in picture and feeling and form or your SOUL your blueprint you’re self.
Depending on your levels and chakra development of course. We are assuming if you are here and reading you are already active in higher chakra development or well on the way to being catapulted there...........Our recommendation as we are FAST accelerating as a system as a planet and as a whole race and consciousness.
Act as if your whole life depends upon it and no other options are acceptable or available. Use discernment but just don't argue too much with you Source.
And we don’t just mean aspiring to a brand new Jeep or hybrid vehicle, we mean total abundance on all levels of being for ALL, When it’s a win/win because as you ACT ON IT it makes a cause and effect, a transformation for all and it does indeed spiral up and complete a whirlwind of change, which you will see as proof.
When it is for I for self, it is still acceptable of course, but remember we are writing and approaching this as conscious ones, who care about making a difference and making a lighter vibrational place of being, where it is WIN WINS. FOR ALL
That MEANS being Balance in abundance, not a winner takes all space. But rather a win for all, takes place. GOT IT.
Harmonic Resonance, so if you are tuned in turn up the volume and DANCE with more confidence than ever before, as the frequencies become lighter in our opinion manifesting will be easier, faster and more in alignment than ever before. Whoa
As in I opened my Eyes and it just appeared right in before me ~YES WE KNOW TOLD YOU SO
What we choose now we create now and awaits us IN THE NOW. that is here and now, not there now or later now but here and now. Phew
Have you noticed this one and we're sharing without personal examples as I prefer not to label people places and things, of which you are not involved and would not have closeness or insight of.
This one is called Speak up, be your authentic self
Make sense ?
JUST SPEAK UP FROM YOUR BEING, UNLIMITED MIND AND INNER KNOWING. WHEN PROMPTED OF COURSE, (there might be some errors but with practice not many I'd be sure.)

As the layers between things get lighter and brighter, clearer and make much more visible that was previously invisible. Making much more KNOWN that was UNKNOWN

The dance is etheric at present, there is so much brilliance, luminosity and lightness and clarity on the planes of bliss that it is or can be sometimes a real downer to wake up in a space still clearing so much negativity, and unconsciousness.

As like minds hearts and spirits join together, make an impeccable choice to gather with those of like mind, intent, focus and heart, at least of high heart and integrity
Those that CARE to make a difference are eons or light years beyond this realm already, so makes sense to make more waves to reach for.
Till the next Wave Happy Dances in the light of your luminous body.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Narrowing the GAP

Narrowing the GAP

Well I don’t know if you all have noticed this, but "The Gap' that invisible and intangible space between things, the known and the unknown the manifest and unmanifest seems to have narrowed, enormously.
As for Light and Happy well that is a paradox on physicality, the weight, pressure on the heart and intense sadness is neither light nor happy, however I do believe this is a temporary transformation for the physical body to adjust to and incorporate, integrate higher frequencies. Balance another KEY. Remembering we Mind, body and Spirit.
Patterns and issues to be cleared can also weigh quite heavily upon us and when brought t to clarity and acted on to be resolved a great sense and feeling of Lightness reappears as we have let go of the weight.

Depending on where you are on your path, your story, your movie, YOUR PURPOSE of life, your blueprint, here your focus and your clarity.
Simplicity being The Key

Sometimes it seems like an absolute madness or insanity, to work in the Gap, the spaces between things in an absolutely seemingly material world, the illusions can appear real, and sometimes have a stronghold in energy. How unrealistic is it to hold the vision and to see an new earth in abundance when /global warming and power driven corporations and greed struck individuals show us otherwise Imagine a new age concept like growing money on trees and creating what you need when you need it.
Imagine that in it’s simplicity.
Know that when you are getting so close to a goal a desire you can breathe it, the more difficult it has been or seemed you then find Why is that because in fact collapsed a whole energy field and belief system a layer of form as a individual and on a mass matrix level. Is that priceless?

After an earth-wrenching shift in the field beginning last fall 2007 and continuing on and on now we are finding that needed things manifest very quickly and fast almost instantly in fact.
Surprisingly if like me you are used to things being difficult in density, suddenly that is not so anymore, so IT SEEMS SUPRISING, and another belief pattern to let go of WOW..WHEE.
Hey but if you still want difficulty, you will create it they say………………..

It has often been tough tightrope walking in the GAP the focus on creation and following your highest excitement and dream, soul path and yearning, for those of us that do there can be an almost seeming element of denial as the outside can seem very different form the inner environment,
Much like salmon swimming upstream, to spawn I feel so much confusion is unwittingly spawned by those who love to tell us the outside is always a reflection of the inside or what we have created.
While in essence that may be so what they omit to add is the Echo, the time lapse or spiral, which in this reality means, It’s coming but not ready YET.

So as I said earlier the Gap in becoming narrower in manifesting, not I add because I am better at it, (though we do pre- pave the way with focus and imagination) with practice and seeing definitely proof helps!!
Just because of the huge shifts in the field to a lighter frequency and energy dynamic on the earth plane.

A new reality or a new earth as Eckhart Tolle has recently written, one among others of clear vision is now in place and ready to shift to it are all who have created it with purpose.

On the other side of things are those who are not in any way except subconsciously aware of the gap and have split from the lighter vibration, choosing as many have their preferred choice of reality and the plane or level of earth in a form of they know want to stay with.

As a visionary, or seer, alot of dark, hidden subconscious and old karmic patterns, stuff coming up and out and spinning around in this paradox, to be cleared, not to harm but to be cleared, clearing the path has great meaning and lightness is the way to being.
As I see it those resistant to change and finding it hard to let go, of the old or ego driven self are flaring up and lashing out at nothing really because in our intuitive and animalistic natures, we can all feel that something’s up and some feel it as fear more than excitement. Maybe they are just not awake yet, or switched ON Hey we live in a world of polarity and paradox.
Fear can be a great guide also if you know your own truth, and what to do with it.
As well we have found a great sense of sadness a deep soul sadness and loss, sometimes it feels like to go home, then we realize Oh we are home IT’S JUST THE ECHO, on any shifting moment I will wake up open my eyes. Blink and BE THERE, THE BRAVE NEW WORLD which I know is there for sure as many many times it has already been shown and made clear so clear I for one, personally did not wish to leave that sparkling light place, yet as a barometer we can always reach it again and take it a step higher, then anchor our frequency within here and there (hence the gap)
Occurrences have already we all created by following our heart, our excitement our passion and our highest frequency
Wishing you sacred dreams and happiness in light days in each abundant moment that you create along the way.
Hugs from our hearts in THE NOW REALITY