Sunday, August 24, 2008

Be careful, watch out for gaps in the world

Be careful, watch out for the gaps, that is when you are going to do anything anything physical even the simplest of chores it's a good idea to FOCUS very clearly on your own body and movements.
All of them, as we are continually bouncing in and out of frequencies, dimensions, shifing and sometimes loosing mental clarity as our thoughts and minds drift off into other spaces,places and with people and nebulous things.
There is a trick to this ASK, request to your self to help you, you do not have to have total mental control just A LASERLIKE FOCUS OF YOUR NEW enviroment it's a bit like driving a new car or a new country, got to get everything flowing together as a whole, sometimes. I have heard and noticed lately and some say that that more accidents happen at this juncture, they actually do as we can kinda SLIP ALOT MORE, its a bit slippery the new floor and it keeps moving........ Sometimes it may seem as if we created for ourselves an accident or minor setback to make us Slow down and Regroup, even re-evaluate things perhaps we were stuck in a LOOP, often we do, we are , but really ask yourself if you need to do that, if you focus and align each and every morning and every NEW moment, then you really won't have to be put in your place will you. Because you will be listeining at each and every moment ANEW. Isn't that more fun really ?? AHA AN aha MOMENT now that's much more fun, REALLY isn;t it UP TO YOU YOUR CHOICES
whatever you are setting off to do, breathe breathe as you move breathe as you go. Gather all of your marbles or balloons known as your thoughts with you and do everything as a whole you.
we just want to share this with you from our own experience, whatever direction you take a move in, refocus on your core, your centre before acting or engaging.
As well with the intense and multi layered shifts and Waves that are constantly NOW upon us as a planet and our own universes, our bodies are often under extreme pressure and often pushed to the max for us to keep up as they frequently make the adjustments and can feel denser and goes through various aches and pains as we expand into higer frequncies. As they say when under pressure that's when accidents happen, but they do not have to if you are aware of this process.
If you can take more time for you to rest or sleep or just play and let them transmute and grow to the newer frequncies, because if you don't take more time to slow into ZERO you might just be forced to. By your own boss and oversoul !!
LISTEN TO YOUR BODIES really really listen to your bodies and aim for the highest clarity and frequncy you can maintain.
Do not move in a hurry without,
2.focusing and IN your core.
You driving a new vehicle. DRIVE SAFE, DONT GET HURT..........ouch !
Blessings and HAPPY SPINNING