Saturday, February 2, 2008

Narrowing the GAP

Narrowing the GAP

Well I don’t know if you all have noticed this, but "The Gap' that invisible and intangible space between things, the known and the unknown the manifest and unmanifest seems to have narrowed, enormously.
As for Light and Happy well that is a paradox on physicality, the weight, pressure on the heart and intense sadness is neither light nor happy, however I do believe this is a temporary transformation for the physical body to adjust to and incorporate, integrate higher frequencies. Balance another KEY. Remembering we Mind, body and Spirit.
Patterns and issues to be cleared can also weigh quite heavily upon us and when brought t to clarity and acted on to be resolved a great sense and feeling of Lightness reappears as we have let go of the weight.

Depending on where you are on your path, your story, your movie, YOUR PURPOSE of life, your blueprint, here your focus and your clarity.
Simplicity being The Key

Sometimes it seems like an absolute madness or insanity, to work in the Gap, the spaces between things in an absolutely seemingly material world, the illusions can appear real, and sometimes have a stronghold in energy. How unrealistic is it to hold the vision and to see an new earth in abundance when /global warming and power driven corporations and greed struck individuals show us otherwise Imagine a new age concept like growing money on trees and creating what you need when you need it.
Imagine that in it’s simplicity.
Know that when you are getting so close to a goal a desire you can breathe it, the more difficult it has been or seemed you then find Why is that because in fact collapsed a whole energy field and belief system a layer of form as a individual and on a mass matrix level. Is that priceless?

After an earth-wrenching shift in the field beginning last fall 2007 and continuing on and on now we are finding that needed things manifest very quickly and fast almost instantly in fact.
Surprisingly if like me you are used to things being difficult in density, suddenly that is not so anymore, so IT SEEMS SUPRISING, and another belief pattern to let go of WOW..WHEE.
Hey but if you still want difficulty, you will create it they say………………..

It has often been tough tightrope walking in the GAP the focus on creation and following your highest excitement and dream, soul path and yearning, for those of us that do there can be an almost seeming element of denial as the outside can seem very different form the inner environment,
Much like salmon swimming upstream, to spawn I feel so much confusion is unwittingly spawned by those who love to tell us the outside is always a reflection of the inside or what we have created.
While in essence that may be so what they omit to add is the Echo, the time lapse or spiral, which in this reality means, It’s coming but not ready YET.

So as I said earlier the Gap in becoming narrower in manifesting, not I add because I am better at it, (though we do pre- pave the way with focus and imagination) with practice and seeing definitely proof helps!!
Just because of the huge shifts in the field to a lighter frequency and energy dynamic on the earth plane.

A new reality or a new earth as Eckhart Tolle has recently written, one among others of clear vision is now in place and ready to shift to it are all who have created it with purpose.

On the other side of things are those who are not in any way except subconsciously aware of the gap and have split from the lighter vibration, choosing as many have their preferred choice of reality and the plane or level of earth in a form of they know want to stay with.

As a visionary, or seer, alot of dark, hidden subconscious and old karmic patterns, stuff coming up and out and spinning around in this paradox, to be cleared, not to harm but to be cleared, clearing the path has great meaning and lightness is the way to being.
As I see it those resistant to change and finding it hard to let go, of the old or ego driven self are flaring up and lashing out at nothing really because in our intuitive and animalistic natures, we can all feel that something’s up and some feel it as fear more than excitement. Maybe they are just not awake yet, or switched ON Hey we live in a world of polarity and paradox.
Fear can be a great guide also if you know your own truth, and what to do with it.
As well we have found a great sense of sadness a deep soul sadness and loss, sometimes it feels like to go home, then we realize Oh we are home IT’S JUST THE ECHO, on any shifting moment I will wake up open my eyes. Blink and BE THERE, THE BRAVE NEW WORLD which I know is there for sure as many many times it has already been shown and made clear so clear I for one, personally did not wish to leave that sparkling light place, yet as a barometer we can always reach it again and take it a step higher, then anchor our frequency within here and there (hence the gap)
Occurrences have already we all created by following our heart, our excitement our passion and our highest frequency
Wishing you sacred dreams and happiness in light days in each abundant moment that you create along the way.
Hugs from our hearts in THE NOW REALITY