Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Temporary Paralysis

To coin a phrase I resonate with and am using, and respectfully borrowing and sharings from a Dear Freind,
a dear and brilliant mentor and lightbeing of resonance.
My Temporary Paralysis since the shift of the FALL season has just begun to release us from the environment of my universe and the environment of energy around us. (A bit like being in shock and in awe yet unable to move anywhere. nothing working as it did before)
Somewhat like being in a Holding pattern for a time whilst waiting to land in the NEW SPACE and bridging less and less the Gap between realites.
Finally realizing we have landed in a NEW Space and the natives are not so hostile, this is a definately the shift into the actual prefferred choice of reality and beingness.
Trust that it is so for YOU also.

The environment for me, and the connection to source is more fine tuned and realized. Quiet, non-toxic, graciously monitered by my freinds, techers, guides and loved ones. Protected, sacred, luminous and loving. The perfect space for sharing, rasing the level or energy of the feild or raised frequency for others who may only come to our space, by invitation or resonance.
Luck me, I wish you bliss in your environment to and time or the space of no-time to be free to create and co-create all absolutely bright and good things and enjoy a luminous light and happy bodies rejoicing this season.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Paradox energies and analogical mind

Analogical mind, intellectual mind, body mind, emotional mind.
Whichever mind is most predominent in us it seems is the Reality version that we see, in the paradox of time, Analogical mind so a dear friend and teacher of mine says, is the all seeing infinite eye that knows past present and future simultaneously, it is the eye of the soul. to see clearly withthe soul's eye, that's where I feel most at HOME.

Lately in the lightness of lightbody or multi dimensional mind, it has seemed in this plane a great wash of density and heaviness, in energy and body. Heavy heavy heaviness, almost unable to breathe physicaly because of such a descension of light and dark combining to transform itself.
This often comes with a descension of essence and being into the physical self.
When youdance in the light you have to intergrate it into the body and consciouness if you are in fact to actualize ourselves and create waves of change.

Along with waves of this energetic integration and a clashing of almost all individual universes, worn by the energy fields of those present in this earth plane.
I sense a seperation of those that are awakened and those that remain, closed and blind to the actual process of raising the vibration of the planet as a whole for great change and transformation.

In other words, a whole mass of energy just blasted through and threw us ALL up into places that are new. So reorientation occurs, for me and many of us.
Analogical mind to me is a balanced point of integrated and direct seeing with soul, source and vision that outweighs all time and space. Direct knowing
Great place to be, doesn;t always come easy. Though for some they came in with that seeing EYE.

Paradox of time is everything IS and ISN;T all at the same time.
Rather like standing or spinning in the eye of the storm.

With that in mind Lightbodies will begin the season with a circle for meditation and stabalizing in core self, whilst developing that place of analogical mind.
Registration is on my website Lightpoint Classes and Workshops
Definately not for timid types who Fear the unknown, the UNKNOWN is actually the only place where you can know who and what you really are. Safety really is highly overated, stability and balance is a better deal, don't you think ??
How paradoxical is that !!
The good news is we are now directly in line to actualize the souls blueprint so no more waiting in line, or collapsing time.........well that continues to be a masters work, collapsing the field, but more on that later.... Yipeeeeee

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Question Reality

Question, Which is real the dream or the projection of the dream ?
The Illusion of power or the power of the Illusion, Which are you following ?
Thiank about that. If you are here and reading this I would imagine the force is awakened in you and rapidly moving to be CLEAR.
If you are aware and in your light and not just hangin in there in and to your body, or mind - body reality, you should be having an easier time with the light changes and transformations NOW occuring. I'm not always totally OK with them of course resistance in built in in some ways, but HEY you should be FINE right!!!
I am moving with the tide, not exactly, really having an easy time but trusting the tide, absolutely.

Question ? I can question Reality, in multi-dimensionality it's clear, in the outer view it can lapse in frame, (take note all Law of attraction followers)so when proof appears I'll be hopefully Lighter and Happy. So many life changing shifts seem to be happening for those who are aware,awake and connected, who care and are determined to fulfill there getting there. As for others who are in a linear mindset and frozen in time. Who knows where their minds are at and what will occur for them to shift gears.
My focus for this time......INTENTION INTENTION AND CREATION, remember that Intention outweights Karma.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Links to Light articles of energy perspectives

For those of you who know me I do have a Light point energy healing practice and an Organic salon. See my website at For those of you who are new here, now you know.
Links are at the end of this blogger.
Happy Dancing.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Heatwaves and waves of light

Spinning into infinity, so at the last full moon was quite a shift, rarely have I seen so much huge and vast change for so many at one time. Seems everyone is being moved to somewhere, physically, those I have known stable for years are now being forced to change and relocate of at least hold the frequency of unknown and letting go.
I was able to make my move (physically relocating) and energetically aligning early on and am having a really good time dancing in the new light.
Pre paving the next step to higher frequency, aligning and anchoring in a practical way.
Dimensional shifts in Frequency is very high and feels like home to me. Are we ready !!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Happy Bodies

Sparkling with in the light ~ transforming the dark
Our daily (Energy) life and times blogg
HAPPY BODIES will always love to dance and shine and sparkle, they are very very light, even when we look serious and stern if you feel and sense you will see a shimmer a sparkle and rush of light and a whoosh of rainbows around us and inside, We are indeed Dancing within the Light.
we are so named for Happy bodies
Happy to greet you...............
for sharing love, laughter giggles and the dance between things we call working in THE GAP
Our daily bump and grind will be noted here, hope you can dance with us and be part of the Happy Bodies matrix of sparkles and beings............
Follow your highest excitement and FEELING