Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Temporary Paralysis

To coin a phrase I resonate with and am using, and respectfully borrowing and sharings from a Dear Freind,
a dear and brilliant mentor and lightbeing of resonance.
My Temporary Paralysis since the shift of the FALL season has just begun to release us from the environment of my universe and the environment of energy around us. (A bit like being in shock and in awe yet unable to move anywhere. nothing working as it did before)
Somewhat like being in a Holding pattern for a time whilst waiting to land in the NEW SPACE and bridging less and less the Gap between realites.
Finally realizing we have landed in a NEW Space and the natives are not so hostile, this is a definately the shift into the actual prefferred choice of reality and beingness.
Trust that it is so for YOU also.

The environment for me, and the connection to source is more fine tuned and realized. Quiet, non-toxic, graciously monitered by my freinds, techers, guides and loved ones. Protected, sacred, luminous and loving. The perfect space for sharing, rasing the level or energy of the feild or raised frequency for others who may only come to our space, by invitation or resonance.
Luck me, I wish you bliss in your environment to and time or the space of no-time to be free to create and co-create all absolutely bright and good things and enjoy a luminous light and happy bodies rejoicing this season.

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