Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Follow your heart

NOW this explains and expands well on what we mean and why we ALL are saying
"Follow your Heart "
hugs from above and beyond - the rainbow

Monday, October 5, 2009

Time time has already gone

This is the new NOW, I want to share somethings from my own teachers, friends and mentors along the way, as we are all in complete agreement on this, this is a wave when all segments of the spiritual realms, schools, co-creators, speak loudly the same the very same message in many dialects, languages and frequencies. Everything Everything changes now, from this moment on now. Did we say NOW
We have ourselves made a decree a promise a statement an intent to follow and rise up to our highest excitement, our pull and passion of the high heart, mind and inner self. We have made a decree a promise a contract if you will to release all negative illusions, in fact all illusions and be quick of the mark to follow our highest self when it is given to us. Many h=of us have had much practise at that and much training and experience so for many it will not be difficult to do but for some this has not been the norm, the precedent the ground work. Makes no difference, same rules apply when the opportunity, insight and elevator comes by, then Leap on it, JUMP to it, grasp it do not let go, look up follow the path less traveled make known the unknown.
You can see the chaos and change, change is chaos, don't stand around watching the show, get going and go where you are driven, directed, guided and inspired from within from within and our inner passsion, loud or quietly, to go and do what you have always in your deepest heart of hearts, longed for wanted, dreamed of and been yearning to do. That is most likely the most non conformist way you could go, will the universe within support you, what do you think, what do you feel, how will you know ?
Whether that be large or small as the old ad goes "Just do it"
Time is not running out it has already gone
Here's to the new you
So we are absolutely being asked to and pushed in some ways to simply Lighten up and let go, be more and become more of ourselves NOW

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A moment of joy

Have you noticed how this movement has come and how fast it grown 
Springing up everywhere where there is a chance to Raise the Vibration and collectively Dance in the JOY up a few notches. As we halways Say Lightbodies Love to Dance
 and to Lighten UP the enviroment in many ways.
Shared from my friends soul group and collective


Sunday, March 15, 2009

what is going to happen NOW..

It's simple, CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE, everything changes in the now, how will it change is up to us.
In the harsh light of economic collapse and changes for all globally included weather patterns and industries as they collapse.
Remember that the many of us that have the ability to remain in grace, gracefully creating this new day and welcoming the new ways, many of us including myself were aware of this shift of time and tide in world state. NOW it is here.
We are shouting .........Hoooray
and then what the heck as we see and hear of all the collapse around us which has not yet fully impacted by the way and still on the way in Canada, it is slower to fall here.
So from the heart I will say, watch out for your focus and intent -your focus and intent.
Ask yourself this "What is the essence of what I want to create", what is the reason we want to create it, now is a great time to Be the Change as CHANGE IT WILL
Again I remind you to Raise your vibration and go into the higher mind whilst dealing with daily details do remember it really is all an illusion a fast collapsing illusion.
People, the value of people and their gifts will make the difference in the new times. From my perspective, sharing and caring and community working together will be the norm, making a difference, simplifying life and circumstance and not being distracted by life and material things might be a good way to go.
Personally working from or closer to home might be a good idea. But as I said before we all create our own reality so therefore...........what is it you need to be to be the change.
2012.......well we see it here already, many spiritually focused groups and individuals know what is going to occur on that timedate, from out joined and sharing of consciousness and teachings, those that know or have a good idea are making plans and preparing.
Many that know will say what will occur but only from a positive place, many will not say what they expect as there's not a point to speak to those who do not hear or see the value of this change.
when you see and hear of all the gloom and doom and chaos happening in the world around you and I do mean the world, and in Europe, try and stay in grace and remember you are a part of the solution not the problem, that is really is all happening for a reason and it has to change for us to Evolve. Use common sense and simply take steps or actions or preparations for your future in it's simpler down to earth living and help each other and do create better networks of people, groups and communities.
Share more care more help each other more and try not be so secular.
Send love to each other, send light and protection, and whenever you can be there for each other, being there is very healing if you have good bands, and a clear field of energy share that with each other do not create random chaos and share that, kindness does matter. Create carefully create wisely and do not let chaos reign in your field. Your main environment is in the bands of you energy and your first home are in your body, and then your outer reality follows. Spin faster and anchor in the higher ground, higher dimensional reality as others will not be able to do so as the fear and changes manifest rapidly. Remain in Grace. For some the switch is ON for many the switch is still OFF. By vibrating with the Switch on and the raised vibration you will asset most to turn the switch in for others, at the same time look after self first and foremost or you will be overwhelmed with the mass consciousness, mix with your own team, teachers, guides and like minds, help each other. As a good friend and teacher of mine says, observe the lack but don't engage in it, observe the illusion but don't become part of it. We are here to be making a difference
Keep you field CLEAR, don't be fooled by lowering your vibration,(energy bodies) and taking on more than you can chew ........when your sinking down, into the mire time to move on quickly and gracefully or Raise your Vibration, I say this as from my perspective things are not going to bounce back anytime soon, so time to float above the chaos and balance the field and practice hard now as this is going to be the precedent for the future till the shift has occurred, what happens then is up to what you have created for your reality.
Change is here and it is clear.
Subconsciously all know that.
So dream clear, be clear and follow your heart as a compass and a guide. Higher mind equals heart and mind combined from a raised vibration and frequency.
With love to you, enjoy the drive and when things get murky, raise your vibration, be still and seek the path of simplicity and listen listen listen to those intuitive hunches and inner guidance.
Hugs of lightness and brightness to you, good visions and dreams
as we said to a dear friend recently ................
Remember we are here to Raise the Vibration not lower it