Monday, October 5, 2009

Time time has already gone

This is the new NOW, I want to share somethings from my own teachers, friends and mentors along the way, as we are all in complete agreement on this, this is a wave when all segments of the spiritual realms, schools, co-creators, speak loudly the same the very same message in many dialects, languages and frequencies. Everything Everything changes now, from this moment on now. Did we say NOW
We have ourselves made a decree a promise a statement an intent to follow and rise up to our highest excitement, our pull and passion of the high heart, mind and inner self. We have made a decree a promise a contract if you will to release all negative illusions, in fact all illusions and be quick of the mark to follow our highest self when it is given to us. Many h=of us have had much practise at that and much training and experience so for many it will not be difficult to do but for some this has not been the norm, the precedent the ground work. Makes no difference, same rules apply when the opportunity, insight and elevator comes by, then Leap on it, JUMP to it, grasp it do not let go, look up follow the path less traveled make known the unknown.
You can see the chaos and change, change is chaos, don't stand around watching the show, get going and go where you are driven, directed, guided and inspired from within from within and our inner passsion, loud or quietly, to go and do what you have always in your deepest heart of hearts, longed for wanted, dreamed of and been yearning to do. That is most likely the most non conformist way you could go, will the universe within support you, what do you think, what do you feel, how will you know ?
Whether that be large or small as the old ad goes "Just do it"
Time is not running out it has already gone
Here's to the new you
So we are absolutely being asked to and pushed in some ways to simply Lighten up and let go, be more and become more of ourselves NOW

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